Public Relations
Public Relations
The Planet Earth
Legal Prime of Species
"Mother" called also Jonathan Taylor
My Phone number right now 7076839034 or 7072414136
Jonathan, at Public Relations of the Planet Earth, the Ruler of the Earth and Mars Universe, likely a friend of all, individual, who, when able, in many forms.
Jonathan, Sovereign, Absolutist, Ruler of the Mars Universe from Heaven, Mars, Earth and Hell, who when able, in many forms.
Always I exist more than you, more initially and eventually, I existed first, so it runs somethings which are seemingly unable to be manhandled, by my simple choice or Say-So. This means I can do many things very simply, many things alterable by spoken commands or simple inter-communication or advanced communication of detail and decision that it be changed to alter the instance, early perhaps.
My position
My position In it all is to use my relationship with everyone to help with composition of relationships, perhaps by simple introduction..friendships, defenders, businesses keep, media providers or communication pals perhaps. To help build good relationships of you and the People of Earth or the Mars' Universe and to dissuade undue violence between us and who your considering activity among.
I would let you know you are in a Good Place in My Territory, I at a time have the education necessary to design my universe around myself and the developers's councils I have had going from long ago. Together we change our life for betterment of self and the communitiees and populations we serve.
I fit sometimes when called upon by the planet earth, and i think i remember some other terra i fought for someone on in space. I try to enjoy the challenges and tasks available at a conflict, because conflict that sucked just sucked and we could have had a better better weather, like Hot Rain that did eventually constant.
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